Регламент Германской морской арбитражной ассоциации теперь и на русском языке

Аксель Боэс и Алексей Пономарёв совместно с нашими партнёрами Эдуардом Кузнецовым из Marine Legal Bureau (Рига) и Норайром Бабаджаняном из Redstone Chambers (Москва) подготовили перевод Регламента Германской морской арбитражной ассоциации на русский язык. Русскоязычная версия Регламента доступна по данной ссылке: https://gmaa.de/index.php/en/arbitration/arbitration-rules. Мы убеждены, что теперь разрешение споров в ГМАА для русскоязычных сторон, осуществляющих морские перевозки […]

Whether a shipper can be dragged into arbitration by another shipper on the same vessel

OLG Hamburg (6th Civil Senate), Order of 12 August 2019 - 6 Sch 2/19

The Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (OLG Hamburg) ruled whether a shipper is a „protected party“ under the arbitration agreement concluded between the carrier and another shipper. Other than in the order of the same court of 23 May 2019 (6 Sch 1/19 – see here: https://kdb.legal/en/a-third-party-may-rely-on-an-arbitration-clause-contained-in-a-contract-with-protective-effect-for-that-third-party/ the OLG ruled that the packaging obligations in […]

A third party may rely on an arbitration clause contained in a contract with protective effect for that third party

OLG Hamburg (6th Civil Senate), Order of 23 May 2019 - 6 Sch 1/19

In a (yet unpublished) decision of 23 May 2019, the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg established the criteria, when a third-party can rely on arbitration clauses. By this decision, the Higher Regional Court extended the third-party-effect of arbitration clauses not only to beneficiaries („Vertrag zu Gunsten Dritter“) but as well to third-parties who are just […]

Dissenting opinion of an arbitrator in ICC proceedings violates German internal public policy

The Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Frankfurt/Main vacated an ICC-award rendered in Frankfurt (court order of 16.01.2020 case no. 26 Sch 14/18) for violation of the right to be heard in court and – in an obiter dictum – stated that dissenting opinions violate the (internal) German public policy. The dispute in question was initiated […]

P&I Letter of Undertaking no acceptable security in Germany

In a recently published decision (RdTW 2020, p. 157), the District Court of Hamburg (court case no. 415 HKO 55/18) ruled that a letter of undertaking from a P&I Club based in the UK is not a suitable form of security. Background: The case decided by the District Court of Hamburg concerned proceedings of a […]

German Supreme Court rules on violation of the right to be heard in court

In a decision of 16 January 2020 (court case no. I ZB 23/19), the German Supreme Court rendered a decision about the right to be heard in court in the context of proceedings to determine the admissibility of arbitration proceedings. Although this decision concerned an appeal against a state court decision of the Higher Regional […]

Anerkennung und Vollstreckbarerklärung eines belgischen Urteils in Russland versagt

Mit Urteil vom 23.01.2019 (Az. A40-232485/2018) hat das Arbitragegericht der Stadt Moskau die Anerkennung und Vollstreckbarerklärung eines belgischen Urteils versagt. Zur Begründung wurde ausgeführt, dass mit Belgien kein völkerrechtlicher Vertrag über die Anerkennung und Vollstreckbarerklärung ausländischer Gerichtsentscheidungen bestehe. Erwägungen, die Anerkennung auf Grundlage des Prinzips der Gegenseitigkeit sowie auf Grundlage von Art. 6 des Europäischen […]

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