Imprint Koch Boës – German Partnership Company
(Rechtsanwälte, Partnerschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung)
Colonnaden 21
D-20354 Hamburg
Tel. +49 (040) 30 70 90 7-0
Fax. (040) 30 70 90 7-17
Place of business and registration:
Entered in the partnership register Hamburg, Registration Court: Hamburg, register number: 1192
Partners and power of attorney: Partners who are exclusively authorised to represent Koch Duken Boës are Henrike Koch and Dr. Axel Boës
VAT-Reg. No.: DE 300462519
Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg, Bleichenbrücke 9, D-20354 Hamburg (, contact:
Professional indemnity insurance:
Victoriaplatz 2
40198 Düsseldorf
Area of application:
Principal rules governing the legal profession:
Federal Regulation on Attorneys (BRAO),
Professional Code of Conduct (BORA),
Regulation on Specialized Attorneys (FAO),
Attorney Compensation Act (RVG),
Code of Conduct for Lawyers in Europe
Act on the practice of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG)
Law Implementing the Directives of the European Community pertaining to the professional law regulating the legal profession
The principle rules governing the legal profession which can be viewed at the German Federal Bar Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) (
Mandate agreement, conflicts of interest:
Each mandate agreement and the underlying rights and duties are subject to German law. Non-exclusive jurisdiction for any disputes arising in connection with the mandate agreement or on its validity is in Hamburg.
Lawyers are prohibited from entering into conflict of interests by professional regulations (§ 43a para. 4 BRAO). before accepting a mandate possible conflicts of interest need to be checked.
Out-of-court settlement:
Upon application out-of-court settlement is possible at the Hamburg Bar Association in accordance with § 73 para. 2 no. 3 BRAO or at the arbitration body of the legal profession (Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltskammer) (§ 191f BRAO) of the Federal Bar Association, available on the web via the website of the Federal Bar Association ( and the arbitration body of the legal profession (, E-Mail:
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1. Communication via e-mail
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We transmit personal data if this is required by law or by a court order to prevent offences, or if we provide such a measure to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of Koch Duken Boës, our website or of their visitors.
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© Axel Martens, Sophia Noelle Rothbauer