With a judgement of 14.12.2020 (court case number A40-111764/20) the Arbitrazh Court of Moscow recognised and declared enforceable a decision of an Antwerp court. The Moscow Arbitrazh Court referred to Art. 15 para 4 of the Russian Constitution according to which the recognised principles and norms of international law are an integral part of the […]

Axel Boës
Russian Cassation Court of North-Western Region orders first instance court to undertake a révision au fond
Just a few days ago, we published a post with an optimistic outlook on Russian court practice in respect of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Russia. I called this the light at the end of the tunnel out of Russian court’s rather hostile attitude towards arbitration. Now the Arbitrage Court of the […]
Chittagong scrap yard: The last shipowner is responsible for the working conditions (?)
Background The English High Court, by order of 13 July 2020 ([2020] EWHC 1846 (QB) – Hamida Begum vs. Maran (UK) Ltd), allowed a lawsuit by which the widow of a worker who died in a fatal accident at a scrap yard in Bangladesh sued the last shipowner of a tanker sold for scrapping to […]
Регламент Германской морской арбитражной ассоциации теперь и на русском языке
Аксель Боэс и Алексей Пономарёв совместно с нашими партнёрами Эдуардом Кузнецовым из Marine Legal Bureau (Рига) и Норайром Бабаджаняном из Redstone Chambers (Москва) подготовили перевод Регламента Германской морской арбитражной ассоциации на русский язык. Русскоязычная версия Регламента доступна по данной ссылке: https://gmaa.de/index.php/en/arbitration/arbitration-rules. Мы убеждены, что теперь разрешение споров в ГМАА для русскоязычных сторон, осуществляющих морские перевозки […]
Whether a shipper can be dragged into arbitration by another shipper on the same vessel
OLG Hamburg (6th Civil Senate), Order of 12 August 2019 - 6 Sch 2/19
The Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (OLG Hamburg) ruled whether a shipper is a “protected party” under the arbitration agreement concluded between the carrier and another shipper. Other than in the order of the same court of 23 May 2019 (6 Sch 1/19 – see here: https://kdb.legal/en/a-third-party-may-rely-on-an-arbitration-clause-contained-in-a-contract-with-protective-effect-for-that-third-party/ the OLG ruled that the packaging obligations in […]
A third party may rely on an arbitration clause contained in a contract with protective effect for that third party
OLG Hamburg (6th Civil Senate), Order of 23 May 2019 - 6 Sch 1/19
In a (yet unpublished) decision of 23 May 2019, the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg established the criteria, when a third-party can rely on arbitration clauses. By this decision, the Higher Regional Court extended the third-party-effect of arbitration clauses not only to beneficiaries (“Vertrag zu Gunsten Dritter”) but as well to third-parties who are just […]
Dissenting opinion of an arbitrator in ICC proceedings violates German internal public policy
The Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Frankfurt/Main vacated an ICC-award rendered in Frankfurt (court order of 16.01.2020 case no. 26 Sch 14/18) for violation of the right to be heard in court and – in an obiter dictum – stated that dissenting opinions violate the (internal) German public policy. The dispute in question was initiated […]